Nekaj o dolgčasu.
Z ljudmi ki jim je dolgčas, se ne razumem najbolje. Tudi zato, ker dolgčasa že nekaj časa ne poznam. Če ni služba, je Mija, Lenart, neskončen kup knjig, kaj za gasilce, službo, ali kaj z interneta ali kaj drugega. V bistvu si želim eno ornk dozo dolgčasa. Če kdo ve, kje se dobi, naj mi sporoči.
Tole sem pa ukradla od Liz Gilbert
Dear Ones –
A friend of this page sent me this clip from Marie Clare Magazine…something I said in an interview recently.
I’m so over boredom, you guys. I can’t bear it when people tell me that they’re bored. In this world? In this universe? We have oceans, skies, exploding super novas, underwater volcanos, amazing ant colonies, caterpillars that turn into butterflies, giant trees growing everywhere you look, miniature bacterial colonies on every surface, a complicated computer between our ears, terrifying viruses, wars, history, arts, literature, music, the entirety of world information (thousands of libraries!) on your telephone, falling stars, love and loss, the many gods of many religions, the mystery of life and death, and A SUNRISE AND A SUNSET EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR FREE…and you’re bored?
Not an interesting enough world for you?
What more on earth do you WANT?
For more of my thoughts on boredom, which I do believe is the first sign of a spiritual crisis, click here:
Un-numb yourselves, Dear Ones!