to not be perfect
My daughter has started to articulate things in a profound way. Humorous and sprightly, she understands the fine art of intonation, expression, and charm. She dresses up daily; in fairy, …
My daughter has started to articulate things in a profound way. Humorous and sprightly, she understands the fine art of intonation, expression, and charm. She dresses up daily; in fairy, …
Expert advice on your child’s emotions. by the Babble Editors What are the three most common mistakes parents make when it comes to kids’ emotional development? Expert: Dr. Lawrence Shapiro, child psychologist …
pričujejo nas, da ekonomska kriza uničuje našo prihodnost, naše otroke – a to so resnični prividi neke druge krize, krize vrednot in blagostanja. Letošnje šolske počitnice so bile poseben čas: šole … I have heard a number of times that I’ll never be able to shower once I have a kid. I can’t help but question the competence of my otherwise quite …
Pod zaznamke sem že dolgo shranjevala članke, ki jih bom prebrala...Enkrat. Sedaj sem se jih končno lotila brati, poleg tega pa jih bom lepo vse shranila tudi na spletni strani. …
BY LEAH RUMACK | AUG 10, 2016 PHOTO: ERIN MCPHEE Bless my son, Ben. Bless his little yogurt-drink-addled-four-year-old brain, which has reached the all-important (and all-consuming) “Let’s play make believe!” stage. Maybe …
The first time I took my toddler son to the playground, I wiggled my toes in the sand and looked around, feeling amused and delighted to be revisiting a place …
Recently, a coworker and I were looking at some old family photos she had lying on her desk. Several of them were of her grandmother, tending to various household chores …
Dobronamerni komentarji. Pripombe. Pogledi izpod čela. O vzgoji, vrtcu, dojenju, številu otrok. Kateri starš jih ne pozna? Kadar sem do otrok odločna, jih zatiram, kadar sem blaga, jih razvajam. Karkoli storim, …
Sem žena, mama dveh malih hčera ter specialna pedagoginja. Rada ustvarjam, berem in pišem. Blog je moje zatočišče kamor odložim stvari ki me navdušijo ali dregnejo nekam tja v rebra. Ne pišem bloga, ampak blog piše mene. Kot introvertu mi blog omogoča, da spregovorim množici ljudi-obenem pa sem sama na kavču. 🙂
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